Hoi Faq


Hair Transplant

What is the definition of a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical technique in which hair is transplanted from one area of the body to another.

Follicles are transplanted from one part of the scalp (the "donor site") to another (the "recipient site").

Who would benefit from a hair transplant?

Someone who is a good candidate for a hair transplant.

has good hair growth on the back and sides, but thinning or balding on the top or front of the scalp.

How is hair transplantation carried out?

Typically, a hair transplant is conducted using one of two techniques:

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) (FUE). FUT includes the removal of a strip of donor scalp and subsequent dissection into individual hair follicles. FUE involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from the scalp.

How much time does a hair transplant require?

A hair transplant can take anywhere from several hours to a whole day.

dependent on the amount of transplanted grafts.

Can hair transplants be performed on all hair types?

Hair transplants are possible on the majority of hair types.

however, it is most effective on thick, healthy hair.

How long does it take to recover from a hair transplant?

Depending on the individual and the amount of the treatment, the hair transplant recovery period can vary.

However, the majority of patients can return to normal activities and work within one to two days after the treatment.

Are there any non-surgical alternatives to hair transplant?

: Non-surgical alternatives to hair transplant include hair loss medications such as minoxidil and finasteride,

as well as scalp micropigmentation and hair systems.

What are the risks associated with hair transplantation?

Bleeding is one of the hazards of a hair transplant.

Infection, scarring, and non-growth of transplanted hair.

How soon will I be able to notice the outcomes of my hair transplant?

It may take several months for transplanted hair to begin to grow.

It could take up to a year to observe the full effects.

Can my hair be styled after a hair transplant?

It is essential to avoid activities that can cause scalp trauma.

For at least one month after the operation, avoid heavy styling and coloring. You may then style your hair as you normally would.

Beard Transplant

What is a beard transplant?

A beard transplant is a surgical procedure in which

hair follicles are taken from one area of the body, typically the scalp, and transplanted onto the face to create a fuller, more defined beard.

How is a beard transplant performed?

A beard transplant is typically performed using the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique,

in which individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and then transplanted onto the recipient area.

Is a beard transplant a permanent solution for hair growth?

A beard transplant is a permanent solution for hair growth in the transplanted area,

as the hair follicles are taken from genetically permanent hair area.

How long does it take for a beard transplant to fully heal?

The healing process for a beard transplant typically takes about 7 to 10 days for the initial redness and swelling to subside,

and about 3 to 4 months for the transplanted hair to fully grow in.

What are the risks associated with a beard transplant?

Some risks associated with a beard transplant include bleeding,

infection, scarring, and poor growth of the transplanted hair.

How many grafts are typically needed for a beard transplant?

The number of grafts needed for a beard transplant can vary depending on the desired fullness and density of the beard.

On average, around 1000-3000 grafts are needed for a full beard transplant.

How long does it take to see the results of a beard transplant?

It typically takes several months for the transplanted hair to grow in and for the final results to be visible. In the first few weeks after the procedure,

the transplanted hair will shed and then begin to grow back. The new hair growth will be visible at 3-4 months post-surgery, however, it can take up to 6-9 months to see the final result. It is important to note that the growth rate and density of the new hair may vary from person to person.

Can a beard transplant be used to fix patchy or uneven beards?

Yes, a beard transplant can be used to fix patchy or uneven

beards by transplanting hair follicles into the areas where hair is thin or absent.

Are there any restrictions on activities after a beard transplant?

After a beard transplant, it is recommended to avoid strenuous physical activity,

exposure to sunlight, and to avoid smoking.

Does a beard transplant leave any visible scarring?

A beard transplant performed by a skilled surgeon

with the FUE technique should leave minimal scarring that is not visible when the hair is grown out.

Afro Type

Is an Afro hair transplant suitable for all types of hair loss?

Afro hair transplant is suitable for individuals with

hair loss caused by genetics (androgenetic alopecia), injury or burn scarring, or other medical conditions that result in hair loss.

How difficult is it to perform a hair transplant on Afro hair?

Hair transplantation on Afro hair can be more challenging than on other hair types due to the unique characteristics of Afro hair

such as its curly and kinky texture, and its tendency to be more brittle and fragile. This can make it difficult to accurately place the transplanted hair and ensure that it grows in properly. However, with the proper techniques and experienced surgeons, successful hair transplants can be achieved on Afro hair.

How long does an Afro hair transplant procedure take?

The length of the procedure depends on the number of hair

follicles that are being transplanted, but it typically takes between 4-8 hours to complete.

Are there any risks associated with an Afro hair transplant?

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with Afro hair transplants.

These may include bleeding, infection, or poor healing of the transplant site. Additionally, there is a risk that the transplanted hair may not grow or may grow at a slower rate than expected.

How long does it take for the transplanted hair to start growing?

It usually takes around 3-4 months for the transplanted hair to start growing,

and the full results of the transplant may not be visible for up to a year.

Can an Afro hair transplant be used to restore hair to a bald scalp?

It can be difficult to restore hair to a completely bald scalp with an Afro hair transplant

because there may not be enough donor hair available. However, in some cases, a combination of hair transplantation and medical treatment may be used to help restore hair growth.

Is there a difference between Afro hair transplant and other hair transplants?

The main difference between Afro hair transplant and other hair transplants

is that Afro-textured hair has a unique curl pattern and thickness that requires special techniques and considerations when transplanting.

Can you dye the hair after an Afro hair transplant?

It is generally recommended to wait at least 3-4 months after the transplant before coloring your hair,

as the newly transplanted hair is still fragile and may not take the dye as well as it would otherwise.

Are there any non-surgical alternatives to Afro hair transplant?

There are non-surgical alternatives to Afro hair transplant such as medication,

scalp micropigmentation, hair systems and wigs.

What are the benefits of an Afro hair transplant?

The benefits of an Afro hair transplant include improving

the appearance of hair and helping to restore self-confidence in individuals with hair loss.

Woman Hair Transplant

What is a woman hair transplant?

A woman hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which

hair is removed from one area of the scalp (usually the back or sides) and transplanted to a bald or thinning area on the scalp.

Why do women need hair transplants?

Women may need hair transplants due to genetic hair loss,

hormonal changes, or medical conditions that cause hair loss.

Is a woman hair transplant different from a man's hair transplant?

The procedure is similar for both men and women,

but the hairline design and the density of the transplanted hair may be different for women.

How long does a woman hair transplant take?

The procedure can take several hours to a full day,

depending on the number of grafts being transplanted.

How long does it take for the transplanted hair to grow?

The transplanted hair typically begins to grow within 2-3 months,

but it can take up to 6-9 months for the full results to be visible.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with a woman hair transplant?

Risks and side effects can include bleeding,

infection, scarring, and changes in sensation on the scalp.

What is the recovery time after a woman hair transplant?

Recovery time can vary,

but most patients can return to normal activities within 7-10 days.

Can women with afro hair get hair transplant ?

Yes, women with afro hair can get a hair transplant.

However, it is important to note that the transplant method and techniques used may vary depending on the density, texture, and curl pattern of the patient's hair. The FUE method is usually preferred for Afro hair because it is less invasive and can help to avoid scarring. Additionally, the surgeon should be experienced in working with Afro hair and be aware of the unique considerations that come with this type of hair.

How difficult is it to perform a hair transplant on women?

Hair transplantation on women can present some unique challenges compared to men.

Women's hair tends to be thinner and less dense, which can make it difficult to achieve the same level of coverage. Additionally, women's hair loss is often diffuse, meaning it affects the entire scalp rather than just specific areas, which can make it more difficult to target specific areas for transplantation. However, with the proper techniques and experienced surgeons, successful hair transplants can be achieved for women. Additionally, hair transplantation for women is becoming more popular, so the techniques and the technology are improving to cater to their needs.

Can a woman hair transplant be used to regrow hair on other parts of the body?

The procedure is typically used to regrow hair on the scalp,

it may not be suitable for regrowing hair on other parts of the body such as the eyebrows or eyelashes.